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Add a dainty birthstone to any necklace design in Gold or Silver. Approx size 2.5 - 3.5mm.


January - Red Garnet Stone

February - Purple Amethyst Precosia

March - Aquamarine Stone

April - Diamond white Precosia

May - Green Emerald Precosia

June - Pearl

July - Red Ruby Precosia

August - Green Peridot Stone

September - Blue Sapphire Precosia

October - Pink Tourmaline

November - Yellow Orange Citrine

December - Purple Tanzanite Precosia


Attracted to a gemstone that doesn't match your birthstone? How perfect, as each comes with it's own meaning or choose simply because you love it


*Precosia crystal or stone

+ ADD a Dainty Birthstone to any design

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